Friday, August 20, 2010


An actress I know, a friend, recently gifted me with a copy of her own book, her autobiography. Her picture on the cover easily grabs one's attention, a marketing tool, because she's known. Her book sells itself, to a degree.

Marketing expense is a hefty reduction to income. Twenty years in the accounting profession, which I have, are not necessary to tell me that my friend's recognition to the general public, her platform, means less marketing expense for publishers. Author's platform = publisher value retained.

That kind of platform I don't have. Like my friend, I have a book, but my only platform is this blog, and who I am. My actress friend's signature on my personal copy of her book included a note saying I have a huge heart, an open heart. One of my cousins recently said that I'm the family "glue." An honor to me, that they see me the same as I saw those beloved relatives whom I've written about in Half Italian. I have value.

But is my platform's value enough to sell a book?

- PJ

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