Friday, February 18, 2011

Eve of 54

Last Saturday I walked up to the boulevard under beautiful sunshine, wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. Browsing the Goodwill store after dropping things off I noticed many warm-looking fleece jackets on the racks. Tonight it’s 45 degrees and pouring rain. Good weather for some, but for those whose home is outdoors, this is nasty. And it’s only 6:30.

I sit at my desk, central heat on, sipping a whiskey. Earlier, gray clouds tripped, landing on the hill behind the Goodwill, making my little Tuscany invisible.

All those fleece jackets locked inside, and so many people outside.

One Thanksgiving I asked a friend if he was thankful for his senses. He stared.

Without our senses, our sense of touch, how could we possibly function, or help others?

I wish I could buy every one of those fleece jackets.

- PJ

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